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Write a tabelle table to an excel workbook.


  workbook = openxlsx::createWorkbook(),
  sheet = "BasicTable",
  start_row = 1,
  start_col = 1,
  styles = tab_styles()



table created with tabelle::tabelle


Excel workbook created with openxlsx::createWorkbook()


name of the sheet to which the table should be written to


row at which to start the table


column at which to start the table


openxlsx style for the different table elements (see ?tabelle::tab_styles). The styles element also allows applying custom styles to parts of the data shown in the table body.



tbl <- tabelle(data = iris[iris$Species == "setosa", ],
          formula = Species ~ (Sepal = Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width) +
            (Petal = (Width = Petal.Length) + Petal.Width))

wb <- write_tab(tbl = tbl)

# saveWorkbook(wb, "iris.xlsx")

# To apply a custom style to some elements use the styles argument. The following
# applies the "bold" style to the rows 1-5 of the Sepal.Length column and
# the rows 9-10 of the Petal.Width column.
bold <- openxlsx::createStyle(textDecoration = "bold")

wb <- write_tab(tbl = tbl,
               styles = tab_styles(cell_styles = list(cell_style(rows = 1:5,
                                                                colnames = "Sepal.Length",
                                                                style = bold),
                                                     cell_style(rows = 9:10,
                                                                colnames = "Petal.Width",
                                                                style = bold))))
# saveWorkbook(wb, "iris.xlsx")

# The main use case for tabelle is when you already have a summarized table
# that you now want to share using xlsx. The following shows an example using
# the dplyr package:
if (require("dplyr")) {
# First summarize the data:
summarized_table <- mtcars |>
  group_by(cyl, vs) |>
  summarise(N = n(),
            mean_hp = mean(hp),
            sd_hp = sd(hp),
            mean_wt = mean(wt),
            sd_wt = sd(wt))

# Now, we want to create a table, where we show the grouping variables
# as row names and also create spanners for the horse power (hp) and the
# weight (wt) variables:
tbl <- tabelle(data = summarized_table,
          formula = Cylinder:cyl + Engine:vs ~
            N +
            (`Horse Power` = Mean:mean_hp + SD:sd_hp) +
            (`Weight` = Mean:mean_wt + SD:sd_wt),
          title = "Motor Trend Car Road Tests",
          subtitle = "A table created with tabelle",
          footnote = "Data from the infamous mtcars data set.")

wb <- write_tab(tbl = tbl)

# Create the excel table:
# openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb,
#                        file = "cars.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)
#> Loading required package: dplyr
#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'cyl'. You can override using the `.groups`
#> argument.