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Create a basic table using a data set and a formula to describe the headers.


tabelle(data, formula, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, footnote = NULL)



data set


formula to create table


string specifying the title of the table


string specifying the subtitle of the table


string specifying the footnote of the table


Object of class TABELLE with title, subtitle, header info, data, and footnote.


Basic tables creates, as the name suggests, very basic tables. In general, tabelle will not create summaries for you or transform your data in any shape or form. Instead, the idea is that you provide an already summarized data frame (e.g., from dplyr's summary function) and just need some nested headers when writing it to Excel.

Following the tibble approach, tabelle assumes that all items that you may want to use as row names are just columns in your data set (see example). That is, tabelle will allow you to pick some of your items as row names and then just write them in a separate section to the left of the data.

The table headers are defined with a basic formula approach. For example, Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width defines a table with Species as the row names and Sepal.Length and Sepal.Width as columns. The output in Excel will be similar to the following:

|Species | Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width|
|:-------|------------: -----------:|
|setosa  |          5.1          3.5|
|setosa  |          4.9          3.0|

Note that the row names (Species) are in a separate block to the left.

You can add spanner labels with as follows:

Species ~ (Sepal = Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width) + (Petal = Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width)

This will result in an Excel output similar to:

|        |           Sepal          |          Petal           |
|Species | Sepal.Length| Sepal.Width| Petal.Length| Petal.Width|
|setosa  |          5.1|         3.5|          1.4|         0.2|

You can also nest spanners (e.g., Species ~ (Sepal = (Length = Sepal.Length) + (Width = Sepal.Width)).

In the example above, there is some redundant information: For example, if we have the spanner label "Sepal", we don't need the "Sepal." part of "Sepal.Length". To remove this redundancy, you can rename the item in the header using new_name:old_name. For example, Species ~ (Sepal = Length:Sepal.Length + Width:Sepal.Width) + (Petal = Length:Sepal.Length + Width:Sepal.Width) defines as table similar to the following:

|        |      Sepal     |      Petal     |
|Species | Length | Width | Length | Width |
|setosa  |     5.1|    3.5|     1.4|    0.2|

Finally, to create a table without row names, use 1 ~ (Sepal = Length:Sepal.Length + Width:Sepal.Width) + (Petal = Length:Sepal.Length + Width:Sepal.Width) This defines as table similar to the following:

|      Sepal     |      Petal     |
| Length | Width | Length | Width |
|     5.1|    3.5|     1.4|    0.2|


tbl <- tabelle(data = iris[iris$Species == "setosa", ],
          formula = Species ~ (Sepal = Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width) +
                    (Petal = Petal.Length + Petal.Width))

# Create Excel table:
wb <- write_tab(tbl = tbl)

# saveWorkbook(wb, "iris.xlsx")