list with settings used for optimization with optimx
- package
set to "optimx"
- nudgeVariancesLambda
numeric value >= 0. The variances in ctsem and cpptsem are implemented with the log-Chol decomposition and result in a very flat likelihood. This can be address by nudging the covariance parameters towards a more sensible area to get better starting values. nudgeVariancesLambda controls the strength if this nudging and nudgeVariancesTarget the target towards which the variances are nudged.
- nudgeVariancesTarget
target value towards which the variance estimates are nudged in the approximate optimization. This is only used when the approximate optimization is followed by an exact optimization. The value log(.4) means that the variance parameters are regularized towards .4; note that this might not be a very sensible value for your specific application. The sole purpose for this nudging is to get in an area of the exp-function exp(x) where a change in x has some considerable impact on exp(x). plot(seq(-10,0,length.out = 1000), exp(seq(-10,0,length.out = 1000)), type = "l")
- failureReturns
what will the fitting function return if the current points are impossible? Depends on the method used
- hess
Should the Hessian be computed at the solution
- lower
lower bounds for paramters
- upper
upper bounds for parameters
- method
see ?optimx
- hessian
should the final hessian be computed?
- itnmax
maximal number of iterations
- control
control passed to optimx