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summarize the results of a multi group model created with mxsem_group_by





multi group model created with mxsem_group_by


list with goup specific parameters and common parameters



model <- 'spatial =~ visual + cubes + paper
          verbal  =~ general + paragrap + sentence
          math    =~ numeric + series + arithmet'

mg_model <- mxsem(model = model,
                  data  = |>
  # we want separate models for all combinations of grades and schools:
  mxsem_group_by(grouping_variables = "school") |>
#> Warning: This function is very experimental and may not yet work properly. Use with caution.
#> The following parameters will be the same across groups: 
#> The following parameters will be group specific: spatial→cubes, spatial→paper, verbal→paragrap, verbal→sentence, math→series, math→arithmet, visual↔visual, cubes↔cubes, paper↔paper, general↔general, paragrap↔paragrap, sentence↔sentence, numeric↔numeric, series↔series, arithmet↔arithmet, spatial↔spatial, spatial↔verbal, verbal↔verbal, spatial↔math, verbal↔math, math↔math, one→visual, one→cubes, one→paper, one→general, one→paragrap, one→sentence, one→numeric, one→series, one→arithmet
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#> Beginning initial fit attempt
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Lowest minimum so far:  15915.8767169525
#>  Not all eigenvalues of the Hessian are positive: 3213484187.52617, 38024.6042732865, 12689.9573264105, 5730.94837456077, 4937.62470556635, 1953.66903064577, 1890.5373601436, 1141.98745676491, 787.058171585175, 354.297843637968, 310.095509667495, 140.273619058819, 71.9595946638189, 69.7734805818321, 46.2902097160743, 44.997434886997, 42.0029790773461, 24.9088679733441, 23.5209833116692, 22.8590744854324, 20.9226016706779, 18.3026805099979, 16.0852795564987, 16.0208733821851, 15.3106438967275, 9.90809693843778, 8.45359590986983, 5.89154693280105, 5.53494988510465, 4.35907398971035, 4.18484036948047, 3.490775517344, 3.1679804510075, 2.82688715009517, 1.5990018725994, 1.5149590578571, 1.43959661269952, 1.15828394552272, 1.0547057870351, 0.740147892170961, 0.518715751074977, 0.502846713252522, 0.49234870495974, 0.411397339792435, 0.328015262140072, 0.240788228449937, 0.184255124322826, 0.150702541831436, 0.0854468657890009, 0.0836747545807092, 0.041468023841972, 0.0385716855430323, 0.0370223555134969, 0.0339803278877858, 0.0295582367040106, 0.0211168689838238, 0.00785135595685313, 0.00757281285997932, 0.00240851973486545, -1.81305267142488e-06
#> Beginning fit attempt 1 of at maximum 10 extra tries
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Not all eigenvalues of the Hessian are positive: 3213484187.52617, 38024.6042732865, 12689.9573264105, 5730.94837456077, 4937.62470556635, 1953.66903064577, 1890.5373601436, 1141.98745676491, 787.058171585175, 354.297843637968, 310.095509667495, 140.273619058819, 71.9595946638189, 69.7734805818321, 46.2902097160743, 44.997434886997, 42.0029790773461, 24.9088679733441, 23.5209833116692, 22.8590744854324, 20.9226016706779, 18.3026805099979, 16.0852795564987, 16.0208733821851, 15.3106438967275, 9.90809693843778, 8.45359590986983, 5.89154693280105, 5.53494988510465, 4.35907398971035, 4.18484036948047, 3.490775517344, 3.1679804510075, 2.82688715009517, 1.5990018725994, 1.5149590578571, 1.43959661269952, 1.15828394552272, 1.0547057870351, 0.740147892170961, 0.518715751074977, 0.502846713252522, 0.49234870495974, 0.411397339792435, 0.328015262140072, 0.240788228449937, 0.184255124322826, 0.150702541831436, 0.0854468657890009, 0.0836747545807092, 0.041468023841972, 0.0385716855430323, 0.0370223555134969, 0.0339803278877858, 0.0295582367040106, 0.0211168689838238, 0.00785135595685313, 0.00757281285997932, 0.00240851973486545, -1.81305267142488e-06
#> Beginning fit attempt 2 of at maximum 10 extra tries
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Fit attempt worse than current best:  15967.2831980055 vs 15915.8767169525
#> Beginning fit attempt 3 of at maximum 10 extra tries
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Lowest minimum so far:  15915.8750853245
#>  OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,0)
#> Beginning fit attempt 4 of at maximum 10 extra tries
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Lowest minimum so far:  15915.8750673873
#>  OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,0)
#> Beginning fit attempt 5 of at maximum 10 extra tries
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Lowest minimum so far:  15915.8750671349
#>  OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,0)
#> Beginning fit attempt 6 of at maximum 10 extra tries
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Fit attempt worse than current best:  16059.0304100892 vs 15915.8750671349
#> Beginning fit attempt 7 of at maximum 10 extra tries
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Fit attempt generated errors
#> Beginning fit attempt 8 of at maximum 10 extra tries
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Fit attempt generated errors
#> Beginning fit attempt 9 of at maximum 10 extra tries
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Fit attempt worse than current best:  15915.8881179825 vs 15915.8750671349
#> Beginning fit attempt 10 of at maximum 10 extra tries
#> Running untitled42 with 60 parameters
#>  Fit attempt worse than current best:  16238.1934523837 vs 15915.8750671349
#> Retry limit reached

#>  Retry limit reached; Best fit=15915.875 (started at 11279122)  (11 attempt(s): 9 valid, 2 errors)
#>  Uncertain solution found - consider parameter validity, try again, increase extraTries, change inits, change model, or check data!
#>  Start values from best fit:
#> 0.429709945273199,0.286021701260794,0.31225673218928,0.442362963784498,2.27678182600356,0.956871899019149,23.8899840365454,15.2656468605984,5.97885315869133,55.1556583772903,3.53185512865124,5.84636072135132,14.0511203894793,39.6671496278968,13.6965262398739,23.5805545394239,25.1605112124131,79.8221925701932,12.1069294147164,18.9620434237828,9.13390105785465,29.5793556596205,24.8000255300579,14.3034791921614,44.8487120278314,9.95187387720649,18.8485164649265,14.4552479331535,18.7518809343646,25.8276823418522,0.318283833650721,0.222292791361689,0.302346298335569,0.479237032446563,-478.297215168249,-137.814901695725,17.4489856944854,20.7390595647791,6.42451611962401,48.0328734595165,3.66229806258974,6.68710651335202,19.4742367221004,12.4228073062705,13.7529781180879,32.8258957615205,25.3719556751718,89.9138323186705,-0.0658586012714021,-0.0830255726363468,0.000285721114832107,29.6474972956668,23.935948261696,14.1602916886227,36.6985370210847,8.46793187508731,15.9807469004286,13.8910369000318,17.5449126235407,22.7692870222378

# let's summarize the results:
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Common Parameters:
#>  [1] name      matrix    row       col       Estimate  Std.Error lbound   
#>  [8] ubound    lboundMet uboundMet
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> group_1:
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   school     
#>   <fct>      
#> 1 Grant-White
#>                         name               matrix      row      col   Estimate
#> 1      spatial→cubes_group_1 untitled42_group_1.A    cubes  spatial  0.4297099
#> 2      spatial→paper_group_1 untitled42_group_1.A    paper  spatial  0.2860217
#> 3    verbal→paragrap_group_1 untitled42_group_1.A paragrap   verbal  0.3122567
#> 4    verbal→sentence_group_1 untitled42_group_1.A sentence   verbal  0.4423630
#> 5        math→series_group_1 untitled42_group_1.A   series     math  2.2767818
#> 6      math→arithmet_group_1 untitled42_group_1.A arithmet     math  0.9568719
#> 7      visual↔visual_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S   visual   visual 23.8899840
#> 8        cubes↔cubes_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S    cubes    cubes 15.2656469
#> 9        paper↔paper_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S    paper    paper  5.9788532
#> 10   general↔general_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S  general  general 55.1556584
#> 11 paragrap↔paragrap_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S paragrap paragrap  3.5318551
#> 12 sentence↔sentence_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S sentence sentence  5.8463607
#> 13   numeric↔numeric_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S  numeric  numeric 14.0511204
#> 14     series↔series_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S   series   series 39.6671496
#> 15 arithmet↔arithmet_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S arithmet arithmet 13.6965262
#> 16   spatial↔spatial_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S  spatial  spatial 23.5805545
#> 17    spatial↔verbal_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S  spatial   verbal 25.1605112
#> 18     verbal↔verbal_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S   verbal   verbal 79.8221926
#> 19      spatial↔math_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S  spatial     math 12.1069294
#> 20       verbal↔math_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S   verbal     math 18.9620434
#> 21         math↔math_group_1 untitled42_group_1.S     math     math  9.1339011
#> 22        one→visual_group_1 untitled42_group_1.M        1   visual 29.5793557
#> 23         one→cubes_group_1 untitled42_group_1.M        1    cubes 24.8000255
#> 24         one→paper_group_1 untitled42_group_1.M        1    paper 14.3034792
#> 25       one→general_group_1 untitled42_group_1.M        1  general 44.8487120
#> 26      one→paragrap_group_1 untitled42_group_1.M        1 paragrap  9.9518739
#> 27      one→sentence_group_1 untitled42_group_1.M        1 sentence 18.8485165
#> 28       one→numeric_group_1 untitled42_group_1.M        1  numeric 14.4552479
#> 29        one→series_group_1 untitled42_group_1.M        1   series 18.7518809
#> 30      one→arithmet_group_1 untitled42_group_1.M        1 arithmet 25.8276823
#>     Std.Error lbound ubound lboundMet uboundMet
#> 1  24.9052425     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 2  39.6618949     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 3  93.4259716     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 4  70.1654166     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 5   9.3349759     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 6  16.7208103     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 7   0.5213053  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 8   1.0290573  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 9   2.5980483  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 10  0.2523246  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 11  3.4804230  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 12  1.9306882  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 13  1.0517572  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 14  0.3250260  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 15  1.0887962  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 16  0.6516164  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 17  0.6049767     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 18  0.2724769  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 19  1.8692944     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 20  1.2120549     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 21  2.2903892  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 22  4.2133481     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 23  5.9196952     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 24  9.4066585     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 25  2.9317077     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 26 10.8878224     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 27  8.1088405     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 28  5.9847621     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 29  3.3271405     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 30  6.0897013     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> group_2:
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   school 
#>   <fct>  
#> 1 Pasteur
#>                         name               matrix      row      col
#> 31     spatial→cubes_group_2 untitled42_group_2.A    cubes  spatial
#> 32     spatial→paper_group_2 untitled42_group_2.A    paper  spatial
#> 33   verbal→paragrap_group_2 untitled42_group_2.A paragrap   verbal
#> 34   verbal→sentence_group_2 untitled42_group_2.A sentence   verbal
#> 35       math→series_group_2 untitled42_group_2.A   series     math
#> 36     math→arithmet_group_2 untitled42_group_2.A arithmet     math
#> 37     visual↔visual_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S   visual   visual
#> 38       cubes↔cubes_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S    cubes    cubes
#> 39       paper↔paper_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S    paper    paper
#> 40   general↔general_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S  general  general
#> 41 paragrap↔paragrap_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S paragrap paragrap
#> 42 sentence↔sentence_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S sentence sentence
#> 43   numeric↔numeric_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S  numeric  numeric
#> 44     series↔series_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S   series   series
#> 45 arithmet↔arithmet_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S arithmet arithmet
#> 46   spatial↔spatial_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S  spatial  spatial
#> 47    spatial↔verbal_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S  spatial   verbal
#> 48     verbal↔verbal_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S   verbal   verbal
#> 49      spatial↔math_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S  spatial     math
#> 50       verbal↔math_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S   verbal     math
#> 51         math↔math_group_2 untitled42_group_2.S     math     math
#> 52        one→visual_group_2 untitled42_group_2.M        1   visual
#> 53         one→cubes_group_2 untitled42_group_2.M        1    cubes
#> 54         one→paper_group_2 untitled42_group_2.M        1    paper
#> 55       one→general_group_2 untitled42_group_2.M        1  general
#> 56      one→paragrap_group_2 untitled42_group_2.M        1 paragrap
#> 57      one→sentence_group_2 untitled42_group_2.M        1 sentence
#> 58       one→numeric_group_2 untitled42_group_2.M        1  numeric
#> 59        one→series_group_2 untitled42_group_2.M        1   series
#> 60      one→arithmet_group_2 untitled42_group_2.M        1 arithmet
#>         Estimate    Std.Error lbound ubound lboundMet uboundMet
#> 31  3.182838e-01 2.686781e+01     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 32  2.222928e-01 4.789170e+01     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 33  3.023463e-01 1.021755e+02     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 34  4.792370e-01 7.129780e+01     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 35 -4.782972e+02 7.017784e-02     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 36 -1.378149e+02 1.033567e-01     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 37  1.744899e+01 5.396173e-01  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 38  2.073906e+01 8.177771e-01  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 39  6.424516e+00 2.576895e+00  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 40  4.803287e+01 2.872132e-01  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 41  3.662298e+00 3.556405e+00  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 42  6.687107e+00 1.686935e+00  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 43  1.947424e+01 9.069046e-01  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 44  1.242281e+01 4.051890e-01  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 45  1.375298e+01 1.215363e+00  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 46  3.282590e+01 5.315688e-01  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 47  2.537196e+01 4.932973e-01     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 48  8.991383e+01 2.222806e-01  1e-06     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 49 -6.585860e-02 3.192828e+02     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 50 -8.302557e-02 1.991501e+02     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 51  2.857211e-04 8.076345e+04  1e-06     NA      TRUE     FALSE
#> 52  2.964750e+01 4.366508e+00     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 53  2.393595e+01 5.375023e+00     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 54  1.416029e+01 9.541617e+00     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 55  3.669854e+01 3.185237e+00     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 56  8.467932e+00 1.120899e+01     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 57  1.598075e+01 7.719922e+00     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 58  1.389104e+01 5.660592e+00     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 59  1.754491e+01 3.781031e+00     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> 60  2.276929e+01 6.552685e+00     NA     NA     FALSE     FALSE
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------