Optimize a model using the BFGS optimizer. This optimizer does not support non-smooth penalty function (lasso, etc).
Version 1:
- param model_: the model object derived from the model class in model.h
- param startingValuesRcpp: an Rcpp numeric vector with starting values
- param smoothPenalty_: a smooth penalty derived from the smoothPenalty class in smoothPenalty.h
- param tuningParameters: tuning parameters for the smoothPenalty function
- param control_: settings for the BFGS optimizer. Must be of struct controlBFGS. This can be created with controlBFGS.
- return fit result
Version 2
- T-param T: type of the tuning parameters
- param model_: the model object derived from the model class in model.h
- param startingValues: an arma::rowvec numeric vector with starting values
- param parameterLabels: a lessSEM::stringVector with labels for parameters
- param smoothPenalty_: a smooth penalty derived from the smoothPenalty class in smoothPenalty.h
- param tuningParameters: tuning parameters for the smoothPenalty function
- param control_: settings for the BFGS optimizer. Must be of struct controlBFGS. This can be created with controlBFGS.
- return fit result
Struct that allows you to adapt the optimizer settings for the BFGS optimizer.
- param initialHessian: initial Hessian matrix fo the optimizer.
- param stepSize: Initial stepSize of the outer iteration (theta_{k+1} = theta_k + stepSize * Stepdirection)
- param sigma: only relevant when lineSearch = 'GLMNET'. Controls the sigma parameter in Yuan, G.-X., Ho, C.-H., & Lin, C.-J. (2012). An improved GLMNET for l1-regularized logistic regression. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13, 1999–2030. https:*
- param gamma: Controls the gamma parameter in Yuan, G.-X., Ho, C.-H., & Lin, C.-J. (2012). An improved GLMNET for l1-regularized logistic regression. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13, 1999–2030. Defaults to 0.
- param maxIterOut: Maximal number of outer iterations
- param maxIterIn: Maximal number of inner iterations
- param maxIterLine: Maximal number of iterations for the line search procedure
- param breakOuter: Stopping criterion for outer iterations
- param breakInner: Stopping criterion for inner iterations
- param convergenceCriterion: which convergence criterion should be used for the outer iterations? possible are 0 = GLMNET, 1 = fitChange, 2 = gradients. Note that in case of gradients and GLMNET, we divide the gradients (and the Hessian) of the log-Likelihood by N as it would otherwise be considerably more difficult for larger sample sizes to reach the convergence criteria.
- param verbose: 0 prints no additional information, > 0 prints GLMNET iterations